
This platform was created for people to have a safe place to open up to the world.  Some of us are not quite ready to face the world and reveal our identity.   It’s because we are exposing the realities and hushed truths that we are living. Those who play negative characters in our stories would react in anger if they knew.   Having said that,  revealing our identities could have dire consequences at this time.

If you would like to join us and share your story, please do so!  Let’s be honest, EVERYONE has a story 🙂 Writing is very therapeutic, and it’s safe here.  This is a place where there is no room for judgements about you or your writing.  It would be helpful to both of us to know there are others going through stuff too, kind of like a penpal!

Send an email in word format and we will copy and paste your story onto this blog page. You may be contacted if we need clarification with your writing.   I hope to see your writing!

venyasgarden@gmail.com   Subject line:  Guest blogger
